
Nice Saturday

Today was a nice day. I have no photos as proof, but it included great fun: hanging with daddy before he left for work, a little Madagascar (which Tray and I are also kind of obsessed with, and are constantly quoting, "Kitty likes the fishy"), a trip to the Y for a workout and kids to babysitting with Garlene, lunch and a nice fat nap (while I cooked, showered, and worked in my studio on some more cloth pads), some thrift shopping where we scored some nice merino wool (for my new cycling cap style) and fun necklaces, and yummy dinner when daddy got home. Of course, some biting and naughtiness in there, but we're working on it!!
Tonight's schedule: The Office.
Tomorrow our baby turns 1. Wow. I have not had time to reflect on that. Phew! As I wrote in her baby sketch book today, what a sweet, easy-going soul she is. Happy Birthday, Fern Francis!!